Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Bee!_Q Box [Question 5]

Heyaa Minna-san, genki?
First of all.. this is the 5th Question for Bee!_Q Box! so.. Thanks for Miyako-san, one of our quest for saying this..
MIYAKO: hey ZAAW, can you change the picture of member Bee!_W.I every question in Bee!_Q Box? #be bored
For next 5 question I'll be staying with this picture. So, let's start for a simple question for Bee! Members..

If you we're invited to come to the teather, what movie you'll like to watch?
Misa : An anime movie! Nyahaha
Risa : Anime, fantasy or adventure movie
Kyoko : Anything except a horror movies or another scary movies.

Hime : Certainly not about torture, maybe i likes fantasy and adventure film
ChiruA romantic movie with someone special beside me~ <3
Gumi : Hmm.. let me think.. I'd love a comedy or an adventure movie!

Wow, everyone's answer are all different!
But this time, the winner is Risa! Congrats Risa-chan!
I'm sure a normal children does like those kind of movies. So, you're normal, are you?

||-♫ ZAAW ♫-||

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