Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Bee!_Q Box [Question 3]

Konnichiwa Minna-san~
Ok, this is our week's question =

If you we're kidnapped by some strangers, what will you do?

 I'll pray for a handsome prince come to save me ^_^

 Pray hopefully someone save me, try to fight the kidnappers (although it's impossible =_=") and absolutely scream to ask a help to someone

 I'll hit them and run away!

 I'll find a strategy to run away (it's too long to explain).

 I'll crying, waiting for someone who'll come to save me.

Maybe I'll fainted? because I'm easily got shocked.

Ahaha, everyone's plan sounds impossible to me wkwkwk
except for Gumi's!
Hahaha, congrats Gumi! your answer is the most stupidly impressive for this week~
wkwkwk it looks like this, right?
But it's not you, it's Chiaki from Nodame Cantabile =_="
And I'm sure, when Gumi is shocked it should looks cute~ right~? ahaha

||-♫ ZAAW ♫-||

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