Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Bee!_Q Box [Question 8]

Gomenasaaaaaai !! Minna-san, I'm sorry.
I've been busy with my school work lately so I can't handle my blog, etc when it comes to school tasks. Sorry, again. Well, come to think about it, how many times I did this? Sorry.

Whatever, the Bee!_Q Box this week is..
If you had a magic lamp, what is your top wish?
Misa : "I want an ever lasting happiness that can bring my family and friends to heaven! (a.. it means I'm going to die, eh?)"
Risa : "I want to go to heaven!"
Kyoko : "I want my life become special and perfect"

Hime : "I want to have an intellegence that can’t be matched, because it's interesting"
Chiru : "I wan't to be the most beautiful girl in the world!"
Gumi : "I want to change my dark future into a sparkling, happy future."

Crazy answers, as always. That makes them Bee!_W.I, nee?
Ok, here's my comment :
To Misa, "hm.. yeah. You'll die soon. *SLAP"
To Risa, "oh yeah, that's great. Everyone wants it." (• ε •)
To Kyoko, "the hell, NO! Kyoko. No one can not be perfect. Even with your face.. hmm.. I'm not sure." \ᇂ_ᇂ\
To Hime, "Ah.. then WHY you not exchange your brain to Roku's (the smartest student at Bee!_W.I Story), then?"
To Chiru, "ok, I understand. Now you can be ever more closer to Shiro, deshou?"
To Gumi, "Wish you a happy future, Gumi~ " (°∀°)

Ahaha, I felt good after leaving them a comments. I think I spread out my emotion a bit, except for Gumi.
So, since today is about the member's wish.. I wouldn't decide any winner or loser.. Because they have their own dreams.. I just can say.. "May your hope come true!"
Not just for the members, you the readers, too!
Let's make our wish! and wish that our hope will come true, too!

That's all!
||-♫ ZAAW ♫-||

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